Table of Contents
filescan - starts and monitors a collection of processes managing files
filescan [-d changdir] [-I includestring] [-X excludestring] path/to/command
filescan starts one path/to/command process for each file,
dir or other dir entries of the current directory, up to a limit of 20
processes. It does this by executing path/to/command [arg(s)] FILE for each
dir entry FILE. filescan skips directory entries starting with dots.
five seconds, filescan checks for dir entries again. If it sees a new entry,
it starts a new path/to/command process. If it sees a dir entry where a
process has exited, it restarts the process.
filescan is designed to run
forever. If it has trouble on vfork() or running path/to/command it prints
a message to stderr; it will try again five seconds later.
filescan does
not need a configuration file or resource config. The usage of Dan Bernstein’s
daemontools is strongly recommended.
- -d directory
- change to directory
before reading dir entries
- -I includestring
- only process dir entries with
filenames containing includestring
- -X excludestring
- only process dir entries
with filenames not containing excludestring
, supervise(8)
This example shows the substitution
of NPCD in bulk mode of pnp4nagios:
$ filescan -d var/perfspool /usr/bin/perl
Automatically compress all files moved into a directory:
$ filescan -d
zipped -X .gz /usr/bin/gzip -9
filescan should be run under supervise(8)
control of the daemontools ( because of security
reasons like dropping rights and reliability by using supervise.
Table of Contents